Saturday, March 22, 2014

In Person Autograph - Brent Mayne

While at a UCLA baseball game a few weeks ago, my buddies and I began talking about former players who were now local scouts. The name Brent Mayne popped up and I knew that the former catcher was an area scout for the Padres. What I didn't know was that in 2000, Mayne was the first position player to win a game since the 1960's. I also didn't realize that a card existed of the event, in the 2000 Fleer Tradition Update set. I picked one up the following week and had been carrying it around with me wherever I went in the chance that I bumped into him. Well, today was that day.

I noticed Mayne standing by the visiting dugout and got verification from a fellow scout that it was indeed him. Brent gladly signed this card and now I can add this odd piece of history to my collection.

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